Melodies with the Word: "Why the Fear of the LORD?"

The Trilogy | The Music | The Book | Order

The Music

The Psalmist David wrote:

"I seek You with all my heart; do not let me stray from your commands. I have hidden your Word in my heart that I might not sin against You." Psalms 119:10-11

About 9 years ago while in a mid-week Bible Study, my Pastor, at that time, was teaching and had asked those assembled to recite a Bible verse he had assigned the week prior.  Well, it appeared that about 98% of the brothers and sisters there had not meditated on the verse during the past week. Nevertheless, the LORD used that moment to plant the scripture-to-song notion in my heart.  I sat there pondering the fact that Music is a wonderful creative tool our God has given us to be used for His glory, and generally speaking, everyone loves it.  So even when we're busy with life's day-to-day responsibilities, it would be easy, and effortless, for anyone to memorize scripture, I thought...if we put it to a melody.  

So here we have it... Melodies with the Word.

Powerful Old and New Testament Fear of the LORD scriptures, repetitively put to twenty-three God-given melodies, some with instrumental tracks, several without,  sum up the Melodies With the Word: "Why the Fear of the LORD?" music CD.  With adagio (slow), to allegro (upbeat) traditional and contemporary tracks, the diverse styles of these 23 songs were designed to not only glorify God, but to assist each listener with hiding these scriptures in their hearts.

Take a Listen:

I Chronicles 16:25

Psalm 34:7-9

Psalm 33:8

Psalm 115:13

Psalm 19:9

Proverbs 9:10

Jeremiah 5:22

Acts 9:31

Featured Musicians:

Jason Hodge, Ray Carr, & Jay Marcus Hodge - I Chronicles 16:25
Greg Troyer - Proverbs 31:30 & Psalm 112:1-2

Jeff Arnold
All Other Instrumental Tracks

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 Copyright 2013